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Once In A While, Blow Your Own Damn Mind!

You'd be surprised with what you can do!


We're  sharing one of our most favourite, meaningful, transformative, mind-blowing quotes! And no, that’s not what we say about every mantra. Seriously! This one is for everyone. All you babes AND your squad need to take this one in because it’s seriously life-changing and will alter your views on personal growth drastically!

Laptop Typing on Bed

Eve Writes | 25 September 2019

Eve Extra: Pushing Your Limits

This quote has become a staple in the About Eve long list of self-growth mantras.


It is SO important to impress yourself. Surprise yourself with how bad-ass you are. Stir the pot and blow your own damn mind!


We feel like people are constantly trying to portray themselves to others in a light that shows how successful they are, the amazing things they’re doing, and in general, just simply doing things to get praised. Wait, do realise you can do anything you want to do, but at the end of the day, you have to be doing it for yourself!

Great People Quote by Amy Poehler.jpg

It’s important and not to mention natural to want to do things to advance yourself in terms of your career, life, whatever. It’s just human nature. And often advancing yourself requires being recognised and praised by superiors to do so.


Yes, we are not denying that you do have to go above & beyond at work, to get that little pat on the back by your boss, but it’s so important not to let these kinds of things control you.

When your purpose of doing something is for someone else to notice, it’s temporary and less meaningful. It’s when you want to go above & beyond because you will recognise the effort and passion exerted, that’s when you start to benefit yourself fully, as you can fully take in and appreciate your success.


“OWN your career. Don't wait for someone to tap you on the back to present an opportunity for you!”

- Lynne Dougtie. Chairman & CEO-elect, KPMG, US

There’s so much to be said for doing things that push you outside of your comfort zone, test your limits, and take you to a new level of self. When you’re able to find something that can do these things for you – Just, DO IT.


You will realise the excitement and sense of pride you will get from doing something to impress yourself, far outweighs the feelings you’ve gotten when you’ve done something for the purpose of being praised or recognised by others.

It’s amazing what you can do when you set your mind and your passion to it.


Don't you feel like there are situations when you think to yourself, “being mediocre is fine for X (task, event, project, situation)… I don’t have what it takes to do X" but this mindset is what keeps you staying at the mediocre level, and unable to do things that will benefit you and develop you.


Sometimes you need to risk it. Put yourself out there and be better than you thought you could be. Go further than you expected you would!

Do things for you, and that is when you’ll blow your own damn mind.

You’ve got this girl, go get it!

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