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A Smart Buyer's Guide to Dietary Supplements

Important things you need to know as a smart buyer


Most of us take some kind of over-the-counter (OTC) dietary supplements. We know that sometimes we don’t get enough from our diet and we feel the need for that extra boost to get us through the day. But do we really need supplements?

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Eve Writes | 26 November 2019

Health & Wellness: Get Healthy

Dietary supplements include everything from vitamins to minerals to botanicals. These supplements help us in different way to supplement nutrients our body lack. Many people take supplements to target specific issues such as fatigue, increase mental acuteness, hormone imbalance, or to “top up” any other nutrients we’re not getting enough of.


While there is limited scientific evidence that supplements offer highly significant health benefits, there is no denying that correct and sufficient intake of nutrients does have advantage over those who don’t watch their nutrients intake. Furthermore, it’s also not uncommon for us to hear or read health experts tell us that dietary supplements are simply placebo effect because we do feel healthier when we believe we do something that makes us healthier.

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So what can you do if you’re taking dietary supplements or you’re thinking of starting?


For us, the most important aspect when it comes to consuming dietary supplements is to know the make and origin. There are literally thousands upon thousands of dietary supplements out there and it’s not surprising considering OTC supplements is one of the biggest industry players, pulling in some USD30b every year in United States alone. As consumers, we always have the rights to make informed and educated choice. So understanding what’s in your dietary supplements and buying from trusted manufacturers are the most important aspects before you start taking in those extra Vitamin A or Vitamin C.


With so many choices out there, how do you know which one to get? Whether you choose to purchase imported or local dietary supplements, always make sure you go through the checklist below before you buy them and get started on a course.

1. Should I check with my doctor before taking any type of supplement?

This is always a good idea, especially for certain groups of people. If you’re pregnant, breastfeeding, or have a chronic medical condition, you certainly have to run by your doctor that you’re taking or planning to take dietary supplements. Some supplements may not be risk-free under certain circumstances so you need to be sure that the dietary supplements you’re taking do not interfere with your condition.


2. Am I taking any prescription medication?

You’d be surprised to know how the most common and “safe” supplements can have adverse effect when it interacts with drugs or any prescribed medication. It’s important to understand how things that are natural may not necessarily be safe for you.



3. Who is responsible for the supplements safety and efficacy?

Each country will have its own laws and governing body when it comes to health products. Under these laws, manufacturers of dietary supplements are required to ensure their products are safe before it can go to market. These manufacturers are responsible to prove their claims of the supplements make and efficacy. Always do your research and investigate as much as you can about a dietary supplement manufacturer before buying them. Don’t forget to check out our tips below on searching online for information on dietary supplements.

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4. Should I take herbal supplements instead?

There are many wonderful and effective herbal supplements out there, but you should still be wary when it comes to herbal dietary supplements. From scientific point of view, it’s too soon to tell if herbal supplements are both safe and effective. However, we’re sure many of us have taken herbal supplements and we can attest to its benefits. Again, as always, make informed decision and understand as much as you can before taking herbal supplements.

5. Can there be any risks if I take supplements?

Most supplements are safe to take even though there are many active studies still being conducted to determine its efficacy. Whether you have a normal health or if you have a specific condition, being aware of the risks dietary supplements can have is a good way to avoid serious side effects in the future.

6. What do I really need?

This may be the million-dollar question many of us have. Determining which dietary supplements to take vary from person to person because each of us have different nutritional needs, different lifestyles, and different diets. To understand what you really need, take a look at your lifestyle, diet, and how you feel overall. Sometimes we may mistake lack of sleep for fatigue, or we may think we need more Vitamin C just because our skin is dull. This is why it’s a good idea to talk to your doctor as you can discuss your lifestyle, diet, and etc. before knowing which dietary supplement you really need to take.

7. Am I taking too many supplements?

There is such a thing as taking too many supplements because our body can only absorb so much. If you overload it with more than what it can process and burn, the rest of the ingredients and nutrients not only get wasted as excrement, but it can also be stored in your body and may turn into toxin and you don’t want that. Moderation is always key in everything we do and perhaps it even more relevant when it comes to things we consume.

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Smart Buyer’s Guide Extra: Tips on searching online for information on dietary supplement


We’re sure many of us use the Internet as our first source of reference and research. And we’re sure many of us often feel overwhelmed when trying to find information because there are millions of websites to read from. Here are some quick reminders on how to safeguard yourself when searching online for information on dietary supplements.


  • Who runs the site?

Is the site operated by government, established universities, or reputable medical or health-related associations? Perhaps you may also find credible information from blogs or privately-owned sites? Whether the site is operated by reputable organisation or association, always check for several sources until you’re fully satisfied.


  • What are the sources/references used on the site?

Check if the site offers any sources or references to its content and also double check those sources and references.


  • Is the information current?

It’s important to know that the information you’re getting is current as certain health information may have been debunked or rendered obsolete. Knowing and relying on current information/studies helps you in making a more informed decision.


  • Is there any bad review of the site?

Even if there isn’t any comment section on the site for you to read what others are saying, there is always a chance a review is written by someone out there. Run a search for reviews on a site you’re reading to be sure the site is not a dubious or scam site.

  • What is your gut feeling telling you?

More often than not, this is a good indication. Somehow you just have that feeling if what you’re reading is inaccurate or needs more validation. Trust it!










About Eve is committed to bringing you the best options when it comes to health because we understand how important it is for women like us to stay healthy physically and mentally. We always make sure we understand and believe in a health or healthcare product before we share it with our readers.


To keep you healthy and feeling wonderful, you can find out more from our Eve Shop here. Also, we’re excited for December because we have something new and exciting in store just for you. Do wait for our announcement because we bet you’ll love our Eve Christmas Self-Care Boxes!

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