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Fall In Love With Taking Care Of Yourself

Mind. Body. Spirit


The last quarter of the year is here. Where did 2019 go? It was gone in the blink of an eye. You did a great job of  taking care of everyone else. You made sure the kids lunches were made and got them to school. You rocked your last presentation at the office. And, you did all of this on little to no sleep.

Laptop Typing on Bed

Eve Writes | 13 October 2019

Health & Wellness: Get Healthy

Now, these are all great things. But, what happened to putting yourself first? You did all of this and now you are feeling burnt out. You don’t understand why it is such a big deal. You can barely take a compliment, without wondering why you are feeling so down all the time.

Your brain is always going. You are always at least two or three steps ahead. You feel like you will never catch up. When did life become all work and no fun? Everybody talks about setting goals for the New Year. They are usually about work and family, and they don’t involve having fun.

But let’s not wait for the New Year , let’s set goals about having fun, today, right now!

Here are 6 tips for having fun, no matter where you are!


1. Set aside time for fun every day

Even if you don’t know what it will be, just set aside time for it.


Write down fun on the calendar, even when you think you can’t possibly fit it in. What are some fun things you wanted to do for the rest of the year that you never got around to? Start with those today.

Everyone's idea of fun is different so whether it's taking a break to play some games or playing Nerf guns with your kids or if you feel like baking (you know, just for fun!) or even some fun, sexy time with your significant other - make sure you set aside some time to have fun for yourself!


2. Practice being grateful

When you wake up in the morning, we want you to think of 10 things you are grateful for instead of thinking about your list of things to do (let's admit it, how many of us do this the moment we open our eyes?). Start the day by giving your mind a break. You don’t have to work on your list first thing in the morning. You can also think of what you are grateful for, before you go to bed. Start with a warm bed to sleep in and a roof over your head. The more things you find to be grateful for, the more you're taking care of yourself.

3. Plan to travel

You can go on a day trip, or go away for the weekend. Start planning your next vacation now. You can visit a place you’ve been before or can try a new adventure. Start talking about travel with your friends and family. Ask them what their travel plans are? You can also talk about your travel plans with them. Talk about places you’d like to visit. Invite them to go with you. But if no one can make the time, do you know that its alright to go by yourself!

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4. Create a positive mindset

Take a good look at your thought process. How positive is it?


Do you tend to focus on the negative, or go over all the regrets you have about the past? Are you constantly worried about the future? Do you spend a lot of time predicting that things won’t work out?


If you said yes to any of these questions, then it’s time to change your mindset. Start by enjoying the present moment. Take a look at your surroundings and start to slow down. Don’t believe the lies that your mind tells you. Start by picking one positive affirmation to focus on today.


One of our favourites is, I Am Enough.

5. Go easy on yourself

We find most people tend to be the hardest on themselves. You are constantly beating yourself up. Comparing yourself to others, is one of the worst things you can do. You will never feel good enough. We're guilty of this too, sometimes.

The next time you make a mistake, don’t beat yourself up or at least try not to be too hard on yourself. Learn what you can and move forward. Everybody makes mistakes; it’s called being a human being.

6. Take time for yourself every day

Believe us when we say even if it’s 10 minutes, it will make a big difference.

Stop spending time with negative people. They will only drain your energy. When you start to take care of yourself, you will begin to see your attitude and mood change. You will start to feel better about yourself. It will be much easier to say no and set healthy boundaries for yourself.

Last but not least, don't forget to REWARD yourself!


Go get that IT bag, or that small piece of jewellery, you don't have to wait for your birthday! Even when you just have an hour to spare, sit down and just make tea (or coffee) for yourself, and listen to music. Go get a manicure. Periodically, reward yourself with something. Anything.


Because you deserve it.


Rewarding yourself is kindness


Every now and then it's important to take your foot off the pedal, take stock of your progresses towards the things you are working hard to achieve. Even if it's a small progress, acknowledge it and reward yourself.


We are serious believers in taking care of yourself first because you can't pour from an empty cup. So what do we do when we need some TLC? Why, we pamper ourselves of course! If you need something to pick you up, check out our Eve Pampering Box, each is filled with wonderful organic skin care and a sachet of floral tea for your senses.

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