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The Wonder That Is Soy



Being someone who loves scented candles, I confess that I try to get my hands on as many scented candles as I can. Be it from the smallest of the lot to the largest I can find -  I can’t get enough of candles.

Jaja Shah-Mohen

Jaja Shah-Mohen | 27 October 2018

Health & Wellness : Brand Feature

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A calming and subtle scent of Lime Soy Candle from 


Being someone who loves scented candles, I confess that I try to get my hands on as many scented candles as I can. Be it from the smallest of the lot to the largest I can find -  I can’t get enough of candles.


When I came across WaxWickWonder on Instagram, I was first drawn to its packaging. The jar it came in is a deep amber with simple stainless steel cover, and yes, the logo did capture my attention. And when I learned that it’s made from soy, my curiosity is piqued tenfold.


What exactly is a soy candle? All this while, the only candles I know are made from paraffin.

So I did a little digging before I reached out to WaxWickWonder. As it turns out, soy candles are made from soy wax, which is processed from soy bean oil. While there are some soy candles that are made with a blend of different wax e.g. beeswax and paraffin, soy candles are often made from pure soy wax as it’s a safer and better alternative to conventional candles.

The more I learned about soy candles, the more I am inclined to try it for not only it has better characteristics, it’s also cleaner and healthier.

Soy wax is natural

Derived from soybean, soy wax is hydrogenated vegetable oil that turns to a solid at room temperature. Soy wax contains no artificial additives, which does make it a better alternative to conventional paraffin wax. Paraffin, which is made from petroleum oil, produces harmful by-products when burned or melted. Because soy wax is natural and is non-toxic, it makes it better for both the environment and also our health!


Soy wax is environmentally friendly

Since soy wax is made from soybeans, it is friendly to the environment as it’s a renewable source. Other than that, it doesn’t release toxins into the air, making this an important aspect if you’re pregnant or have kids.


Soy wax delivers a cleaner burn

Compared to paraffin wax, I find that it delivers a cleaner burn because it doesn’t give off black soot when burned. And there isn’t as much smoke when the candle is put out. The smoke it released when the candle is put out doesn’t have the pungent burnt smell I’m familiar with when I light scented paraffin candles.

Soy-wax candles burn cleaner and slower, are non toxic and do not emit petrol-carbon soot. Soy is both a renewable and a biodegradable resource.

Soy wax doesn’t release toxins into the air

As I’ve learned, soy wax is healthier alternative to paraffin because it doesn’t release harmful carcinogens into the air when melted. Apparently, burning and/or melting paraffin releases at least 11 known toxins – two of which are carcinogens – into the air. As we all know, carcinogens are known to cause cancer in some people. Imagine my horror knowing how much scented candles I’ve light up in the past!


Soy wax is cost-effective

I can’t tell you how many times I have scraped the sides of my scented candles glass jars because the residue clings to the jar while the wick is already all the way at the bottom. With soy candles, all the wax burns evenly and it doesn’t leave any wax at the sides of the jar. This way, I get to use 100% of the soy candle without having to worry to look for hacks online on how to get my paraffin scented candles to burn!


Soy wax scents are cleaner

Since soy wax burns cleaner than paraffin wax, I can kid you not when I say the scent smells...cleaner. You know how sometimes you get this heady perfumed scent from some scented candles and you can feel a little nauseated? The essential oils in soy candles is definitely more pleasant, calming, and strong without being overpowering. As I’ve also learned, the headiness I sometimes get from scented candles was not really caused by the “strong scent,” but rather the toxins released into the air by melting paraffin wax.

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WaxWickWonder's scents may be a little unconventional to those are used to vanilla or lavender. But these new scents from WaxWickWonder is refreshing and novel.

My personal favorites are cucumber, apple, and rose, but don’t take my word for it. Head on to WaxWickWonder to get one of these beautiful jars and experience the wonder that is soy for yourself!

You can find WaxWickWonder on:

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