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Personality: Norehan Kassim

Passionate herbalist, Ardent artist


About Eve Online is fascinated by strong women and their stories, and the general lives of an entrepreneur especially those in the organic health, beauty and general wellness. We often meet them in the course of curating our line of offerings, and it’s always interesting to get their opinion on things. 

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Eve Writes | 25 October 2018

Health & Wellness : Personality

Debuting Eve’s Health & Wellness is the youthful Norehan Kassim.


A cancer survivor whose  energy is endless!  An interesting lady who is herself a herbalist and an artist.

She’s your contemporary business lady, however while not trained or part of the medical and holistic worlds, we are curious how she got into the intriguing area of holistic healing.

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What’s the biggest issue you see with the present  day beauty and skin care industry? Is it the process? The methods?

The beauty industry is becoming a popular business here. Every 20 something wants to be a beauty influencer. The biggest issue that I see in this industry is that the chemical ingredients that been use in the formulation is not healthy, for example Synthetic colour/fragrant, Phthalates, Triclosan, SLS (Sodium laureth sulfate), Formaldehyde, Toluene and many more…these young entrepreneurs must do their research!

What’s the most common problem people come to you with?

The common problems are, wrinkles, sagging, eczema, psoriasis, pigmentation, body odor, hair lost, weight lost, asthma, sagging breast, all kind of anti aging problems, high blood pressure, cyst or fibroid, and many more…

Plants and Pottery

How/When did you first start becoming interested in holistic healing and the benefits of plants?

I was always interested in plants and the healing capabilities of nature, from as far back as I can remember but when I was hit by cervical cancer.  I’ve had my uterus and ovaries removed.

I went through chemotherapy but when there was no change to my condition, I decided to change to a more holistic and natural way of treatment. Unfortunately, at the time, Malaysians were not exposed yet to essential oils.


I went  back to Washington, US to ask one of my college professor her interests on natural healing,,, she proposed Essential Oils, consumed a lot of colored fruits, veggies and herbs. From there I started my own research and proceed with development. Today I have more that 150 proven formula for alternative healing from head to toe.

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How has the path of herbalism changed your life?

 It gave me the opportunity to improve my knowledge by doing more and more R&D on how  to help people by way of natural way of healing, and of course help myself.” Basically to educate and make more people  understand what is holistic treatment with  natural and organic and why it is very important to use it as alternative healing. My learning and education  never stop.

I went through chemotherapy but when there was no change to my condition, I decided to change to a more holistic and natural way of treatment.

How did you come to create your ANPRIMA Personal Care Range?

Request from family and friends. It was a natural progression.


What’s your most popular selling product and why?

My Simply Red Drink! Most cancer patients who takes it regularly reported that they felt rejuvenated.

Next is my Simply Beyond Hair. It's effective for hair lost, insomnia, migraine, scalp and dandruff problem.

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Look for Norehan's products on our

Eve Shop

What would you recommend to our followers?

Donna and Feminine Wash for yeast infection, discharge problem, tighten vaginal muscle, controls fibroid and cyst. Many Women deal with Feminine issues like this, due to humid weather, essential like tea tree has a powerful antibacterial and anti-fungal that can help treat bacterial vaginosis.


What’s the biggest struggle you face with your profession?

Trying to educate people in holistic, healthy living and getting them to adopt the right habits to improve their quality of life.” I believe that ‘nature knows best!'

What advice would you give to a friend or fellow entrepreneur who want to pursue your profession?

With holistic and medical practice it’s more about listening than anything else. Have patience and listen. Really listen. To what is said and what is not said. Discover the root of the customers / clients  problem so that you can give them the best remedy.

AnPrima Products We Love

  • Donna Oil premium blended essential oil

  • La Petite essential oil

  • Simply Beyond Hair tonic

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